Services & Specialties

Energy Program:

Develop sustainable energy programs with focus on the organization, management support, performance indicators, visualization and reporting, target development, benchmarking, action plans, project implementation tools, assessments or Treasure Hunts, metering or measuring, tracking systems and day to day operational efficiencies.

Energy Assessments:

Implement the Treasure hunt tool not only to identify energy reduction opportunities but also to develop the employees to enhance their knowledge and understanding of their energy footprint. The intent of the assessment is to use the train the trainer concept where all participants benefit. Assessments develop teamwork, innovation and best practice sharing for all participating members.

Energy Training, Education & Workshops:

Teach the skills of energy management and provide employees the ability to learn, to do and to teach others. If companies are interested in specialty training programs for energy management or facility management we can also develop a curriculum.

Energy Integrated Master Plans:

Experience in the development of integrated long term energy master plans for companies or cities. These plans provide details not only for energy reduction opportunities but also for supply side management.

Specialty Skills

Energy Program Development
Energy Treasure Hunt
Benchmarking & Best Practice Sharing
Supplier Energy Development Support
Energy Education, Training & Workshops
Visualization & Reporting Development

Specialty Skills

Energy Measuring System Analysis
Energy Strategy Development
Energy Standards Development
Energy Culture & Behavior Analysis
Maintenance & Operation Development

Bremer Energy Consulting Services, Inc.
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